Australian World Heritage Intergovernmental Agreement 2009

This Agreement shall begin progressively over a period of 12 months from the date on which it is concluded by the Parties. The establishment of the Reef Plan in 2003 and its update in 2009 were supported by a body of scientific evidence showing a decline in reef water quality. Thanks to significant investments in research and development from the National Environmental Research Programme, Reef Rescue, the Queensland Government and other programmes, significant progress continues to be made in the scientific understanding of the problem and solutions. Meetings should generally be held in capitals. However, the Ministerial Forum may decide to hold meetings in or near the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage site if the Field Inspectorate can assist in the consideration of issues to be discussed. Meetings may be held by videoconference upon request. As one of the world`s greatest natural attractions, the Great Barrier Reef is valuable to all Australians, especially Queenslanders who are proud to have such an iconic and beautiful reef on their doorstep. The Great Barrier Reef is a place of remarkable diversity and beauty on the northeast coast of Australia. It contains the largest collection of coral reefs in the world with 400 species of corals, 1,500 species of fish and 4,000 species of molluscs. It also has great scientific interest as a habitat for species such as the dugong («sea cow») and the great green turtle, which are threatened with extinction. Since the publication of the Reef Plan in 2009, significant progress has been made in several areas, including. The World Heritage List is the international recognition of the «Outstanding Universal Values» of natural and cultural sites around the world. Senior officials from other Commonwealth and Queensland departments and agencies may be co-opted into the Standing Committee from time to time in agreement with the members of the Standing Committee.

The Ministerial Forum shall have a strategic role to play in facilitating and monitoring the implementation and achievement of the objectives of this Agreement. The Forum: (3) The value of an entity is determined by deducting from the market value of the improved land at the relevant time the market value of the land assessed as undeveloped land at that time. In the absence of an agreement, the market value will be determined by an expert appointed by the Chairman of the Queensland Division of the Australian Institute of Valuers, acting as an expert rather than an arbitrator. Submission to UNESCO requires that the list provided here be developed in accordance with the requirements below. It is not entirely clear how management plans and other measures will apply to a list of multiple sites, but some clues will be obtained from other lists that include a number of separate public and private properties, such as.B those of the decorated farms in Hälsingland, Sweden. The main thing will be the planning and / or protection of cultural heritage for all objects and firm plans for the restoration and interpretation of the most important. Today, the GBR forms the world`s largest coral reef ecosystem, ranging from marginal coastal reefs to mid-plateau reefs to exposed outer reefs, including examples of all stages of reef development. The processes of geological and geomorphological evolution are well represented and connect continental islands, coral islands and reefs. The diverse seascapes and landscapes that occur today have been shaped by climate change and sea level, as well as the erosive power of wind and water over long periods of time. The Great Barrier Reef is the world`s largest coral reef ecosystem and an Australian and international icon.

The diversity of habitat types and exceptional biodiversity make the Great Barrier Reef one of the richest and most complex natural systems on the planet. The region has important environmental, social, economic and cultural values and plays an important role in the local, regional and national economy. A proposed property is independently assessed by two advisory bodies mandated by the World Heritage Convention: the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), which provide the World Heritage Committee with assessments of the proposed cultural and natural sites. The third advisory body is the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM), an intergovernmental organization that provides expert advice to the Committee on the Conservation of Cultural Sites and on training. Between 2009 and 2011, 34 per cent of sugarcane producers, 17 per cent of grazing farmers and 25 per cent of horticultural producers adopted improved practices. This Agreement is not intended to establish legal relations between the Parties, with the exception of the instrument of agreement concluded between the Governments of the Commonwealth and Queensland and the Authority on 10 May 1988 set out in Annex A to this List. The Parties agree that this document shall be reviewed and undertake to do so within 12 months of the conclusion of this Agreement. Once a site has been proposed and evaluated, it is up to the Intergovernmental World Heritage Committee to make the final decision on its registration. Once a year, the committee meets to decide which sites will be inscribed on the World Heritage List. It may also postpone its decision and request additional information from States parties. As the most complex coral reefs in the world, reefs are home to about 400 species of corals in 60 genera.

There are also large ecologically important interfaith areas. Shallower marine areas are home to half of the world`s diversity of mangroves and many species of seagrass beds. The waters also provide important feeding grounds for one of the world`s largest populations of endangered dugong. At least 30 species of whales and dolphins are found here, and it is an important area for calving humpback whales. At that time, there were 13,000 heritage sites listed in the National Domain Register. In 2007, the registry was closed and archived. All assets that had not been assessed under the CBFA Act at the time had simply lost their inheritance status. They were still in the register, the register was still accessible via the national heritage database, but the law no longer required it. In 2012, all references to the national domain registry were removed from Australian law and all legal protection of places listed in the registry was removed. The 2009 Great Barrier Reef Outlook Report identified climate change as the greatest threat to the Great Barrier Reef region.

There is already evidence of climate-related impacts such as increased coral bleaching due to rising water temperatures and declining coral growth rates due to ocean acidification. In addition, the reef is exposed to the threats of projected long-term changes in the intensity of drought, floods, storms and rainfall. These events have a number of impacts on reef health, including increased risks of sedimentation, algal blooms, storm damage, and starfish eruptions from the crown of thorns. The national list itself is ridiculously small In 2003, the National Domain Register (managed by the Australian Heritage Commission, which included all buildings that had a national trust list) was incorporated into the Commonwealth EPBC Act. All properties had to be assessed to see if they would fit into one of the two new lists of monuments – the Australian National Heritage List and the Commonwealth Heritage List. healthy and resilient and support world-class tourism and other industries that depend on the reef. To address this, the Reef Water Quality Protection Plan (Reef Plan) was approved by the Premier and Premier of Queensland in October 2003. Building on existing government programs and community initiatives, Reef Plan has led to a more coordinated and collaborative approach to improving water quality. The reef plan was fundamentally updated in 2009, with clear targets and targets for reducing pollutant levels. The World Heritage site is and has always been managed as a multipurpose area. Uses include a range of commercial and leisure activities.

The management of such a large and iconic World Heritage site is becoming increasingly complex due to overlapping state and federal jurisdictions. The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, an independent Australian government agency, is responsible for the protection and management of the GBR Marine Park. The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act of 1975 was amended in 2007 and 2008 and now provides for long-term protection and conservation. .